Sep 2, 2016

First Ultra: Indiana Trail 100

I wrote this post five days after I finished my first Ultra. Five months later I am sharing it with you. Several of you knew I would blog about my experience and have asked me lately if I was going to post it.  It's been sitting here waiting to be published, so I figured today was a great day to share it with you all. Reading this all over again brought back all of these sweet memories! Still, at times, it seems so unreal that I actually ran 50 miles. I enjoy running so much. I am thankful I can do this. I started out not even being able to run a half mile without stopping a couple of years ago to running an ultra marathon. Below is my journey and I hope you all enjoy this. Warning: it's a long read, but running 50 miles is long too. :P

Big tears are welling up as I being to write about my first ultra marathon experience. There really are no words to describe the different emotions I felt from start to finish, but I will try my best to portray what it was like out there for me. It's been five days and I'm still in awe that I actually ran an ultra. Tyler and the girls bought me some sweet gifts: an ultra runner bumper sticker, 50 mile bumper sticker and a beautiful 50 miles necklace. Yes, I am that person now with my stickers! ;) Each time I glance at them it doesn't seem possible that I did that. I'm soaking in every minute and reliving the experience in my head each day. From training runs, injuries, obstacles I faced, to race day. Now, I will share my experience with all of you beautiful people.

I'm sure all of us have had a moment where we see a documentary on T.V or on the web and think, " amazing is that, I'd like to do that some day." That's how the IT100 came about for me. I saw a documentary online about the IT100 and had tears rolling down my cheeks the entire time I watched it. I instantly knew that some day I really wanted to try to run an ultra. I didn't know if I'd be able to or not, but I knew I wanted to try. Tyler and I ran a marathon in September of last year and when I was finished, I thought to myself that I could definitely run more. A couple of months went by and I was talking to my friend during a run at the gym about the IT100 and she suggested I ask to be registered for the 50 miler for Christmas. I thought that was a brilliant idea; no better way for motivation than to finish since it would be a special gift to us to finish for them!

Christmas rolled around and Tyler and I were officially registered for the IT100 (thanks Mom & Dad)! Training would start the beginning of January and would be a 16 week running plan. We did really well the first few weeks. During a 20 mile training run one Saturday morning at Morgan Monroe State Forest,  I fell a mile in and landed on my left hip. I got up and brushed it off, but I noticed something didn't feel right. I didn't say anything to Tyler until around mile 16. I told him I didn't think I'd be able to finish because I was in a lot of pain. We ended up running back to the car and stopped a little after 18 miles. I was so incredibly bummed to be 2 miles short of our supposed to be 20 mile run. I wasn't able to run at the very end, it was more like a limp. I took a couple days off of running and was still in a lot of pain. One night, I was taking a pile of laundry to our bedroom and I tripped on one of girls toys. I felt something pull in my back, but again brushed it off. The next morning I could not get out of bed. I was paralyzed from the waist down and was in excruciating pain. I had to call Tyler and he came home right away and took me to the ER. How we got there I don't really remember. Hours later with no answers to my pain and a bunch of pain meds, I was sent home. The next day I was in a chiropractors office.

The Chiropractor told me my hip was out of alignment significantly and vertebrae L4 and L5 had no space between them meaning the discs were herniated or bulging. After a couple of treatments I felt a tiny bit better. Without her consent I started to train again as I was completely bummed that I had to put a stop in our IT100 training. I continued to see the chiro three times a week for a while,  but still wasn't feeling much better. Becoming more and more frustrated by the minute, I told myself that my IT100 training was over and not going to happen this year. I told Tyler I needed to see a surgeon and get it taken care of.  I was talking to my friend about my situation and she told me about this lady who fixed a problem in her back. I was desperate so I took down the lady's number and gave her a call. The next day I was in her office. I had her treatment done, which was Acutonics. By the end of the treatment, to my surprise, I was already feeling a million times better! I was so happy. That same day Tyler and I met a friend and went for a trail run. We were running for almost 3 hours and I still felt so good! I was completely amazed and relieved. Every since then I have been fine with no problems! I am a firm believer in Carol's treatment. If you are having any problems at all let me know so I can give you her number!

Talk about being excited to be back on track for training runs!! We were planning a trip to Florida with our best friends for spring break and knew we would have to do a a 20 mile run while we were there which we were totally pumped for. A 5 hour run on the beach?! Yes, please! The day before our planned long run,  Heather and I were out running some errands and I got a phone call. It was hands down the worst days of my life. I was talking to a doctor and listening to her words "your brother had a really bad fall and is on life support. When can you get here?" Everything after that was a big blur. All I remember is sitting on a sidewalk in front of a coffee shop in absolute shock and disbelief.  A lady came up to me and had me stand up and gave me a hug and told me the same thing happened to her brother. She got the call when she was in Florida a few years ago with her best friend. She said a prayer and something along the lines that each day is a gift and we aren't promised tomorrow so cherish each day and that life is short here on earth, but eternal in Heaven. The next thing I know we are back at the condo and Tyler and Heather are packing up our things and we were heading on the road back to Indiana to go straight to the hospital. Tyler drove the entire way and we only stopped once. I kept calling the nurse every hour to check on Luke. My sister was flying in from Vancouver and would be in around midnight. We got to the hospital and there lay Luke,  beautiful as ever. He had a bunch of tubes hooked up to him and was on a ventilator. I couldn't believe he didn't wake up when I walked in. I figured he would. I didn't know how bad he was. Shortly after, we find out he is completely brain dead. We made a decision that he would have wanted and got the donor paperwork rolling. We stayed with him for a total of 21 hours. Those 21 hours were so crazy. So much happened and we really couldn't believe he wasn't going to wake up. We questioned the nurses and doctors several times. Finally, a doctor asked if showing us his brain scans would help. We said yes. Then, we knew. We knew he was gone and not coming back. He was officially in Heaven looking down on us with all of his love. We felt his presence and love with us. It was comforting.

At this point it was after Easter and our race was so close. Honestly, the next week was a blur. And the week after that. I can't even remember when I decided to start running again or how my first training run went after that or even how many miles I did.  I didn't know how I was going to do it. But, I knew I felt so much better when I was running. My mind could wander and I could talk to Luke and feel him with me. He was so excited for me to do this ultra marathon and he knew I could do it. He ran with me back in December and would comment what a strong runner I was. I told him all about the IT100 I wanted to do. He said he knew I could do it, would be there to support me, was proud of me, and that I was super cray cray! Hah!

Fast forward to the week of the IT100. I was so excited and couldn't wait to get to that start line! Everyone would ask me if I was anxious and I wasn't at all. I was just extremely excited and wanted to get out there on the trail. It was finally time to head North. My in laws packed up their RV and we were all on the road headed to Albion. I got our drop bags ready during the drive. I couldn't wait to get there and pick up our race packets! It was so great camping at Chain o Lakes. We had several friends who were running the 100 and 50 and were there camping as well.  It was awesome getting to visit with everyone Friday night. We all said our goodbyes that night and it was time to retire for the evening. We set our alarms for 445. I  was worried I wouldn't be able to sleep, but I slept pretty well! Heather arrived to pick us up at 5:15 to take us to the start line. We drove around to say good morning to our friends as they were heading to the start as well.  We got to the start area and were finally all gathered together waiting for 5:50 to line up! We took lots of pictures and then said our good lucks to everyone. It was 5:52 and I had to go to the bathroom so bad so I ran up the hill to the porta potties. It's a very rewarding experience when you are able to go to the bathroom before your race starts. :) I was in there a couple minutes then ran back to the finish line. The gun shot went off at 6 on the dot and off we started to go! I saw Heather as we were going up the hill and gave her a big squeeze. I couldn't wait to see her and the rest of our family at the end of lap one.

It was dark so everyone had their headlamps on. It was incredible to look around and see my friends all running together on the trail at the beginning. I loved that!  I kept thinking how cool that was! There was Ty, Brandon, Marci, Jennell, Tara, Robert, Brent and Jeremy. All of us who had one time or another trained together (and some who tried to kill me on those runs-haha) for this very race.  Our friend Jasen (who absolutely crushed his goal! So proud of you!) was running, but he was further up ahead of us. The sun was starting to rise and it was absolutely breath taking! My favorite kind of sunrise! 

The first aid station was 4.5 miles in and when we got there I couldn't believe we were already there, it had seemed as if we just started running. By this time, my running peeps weren't around me, but I had met some friends on the trail and we chatted the whole time. Somehow Luke came up during a conversation with these two sweetest people Claudine and Doug, my trail buddies during the first and second loop. I told them what happened and how I was kind of angry that Luke wasn't actually here for the race. And they spoke the words, which were what I already really knew...that Luke was with me. I felt his presence so strong at that moment and I knew 100% that he and mom were with me. They were with me the entire 50 miles! It was such a joy to share that moment with these sweet "buddies" of mine. I grabbed an orange and took off running again.

The next few miles to the second aid station was so pretty as the sun was still rising. The weather was beyond perfect. I kept thinking how wonderful it was. We got to the second aid station and I stopped to use the bathroom and filled my water bottle up with water and off I went to the next aid station which was the "lady luck" station. I thought that was so cool! I stopped there and got some more water and electrolytes and was off again. I was never in the aid stations longer than a minute or so. It was grab and go!

I arrived at the finish line at 3 hours and 30 minutes which was right on track of my goal! It was stoked seeing the girls waiting there along with my mother and father in law and my best friend heather and another great friend Jenn. I knew I had some nasty blisters so Jenn told me to sit down in her seat and as I was eating a Lara bar the next thing I knew Jenn had my blistered bandaged and I was on my way! I couldn't believe how awesome she and heather were. I couldn't have got it through loop two and three without them! Jenn loves (and i love you so much!) me a lot you guys and I mean a lot! She HATES feet and let me tell you...mine were a disgusting blistery mess! I pray for many blessing on her for doing that for me. She was an angel! And then off I went to start loop two!

 Loop two was great! I had zero problems and blazed through the aid stations because of how amazing each and every volunteer was. I stopped at the bathroom at the third aid station on the loop and then was on my way to finishing my second loop. I couldn't wait to get to the finish line to see everyone again! When I got to the finish line I was so happy to see everyone! I gave them my love and then was right on my way again! As I was running up the hill I looked behind me and saw my mother in law running behind me. I thought that was so cute! She was running to the bathrooms but I loved having her run behind me for a second. Maybe sometime in the future I can get her to run a whole loop with me as a pacer for the 100 miler. :)

My hands had started swelling up like twice the size they should have and that really started to worry me. Someone told me at the next aid station to make sure I got some ramen noodles and to keep my head in the game. So I did just that! It started to rain as I started my third and final loop and things got muddy and slick very quickly. I was mad at myself that I was having to hike instead of run, but I was terrified of falling and injuring myself like I had done a couple months prior to this moment. I arrived at the second aid station and showed a lady my hands. She said it was normal swelling for running this amount of time and to get some salt in so this sweet sweet someone I call friend now handed me some chicken broth and told me not to worry and then I gave her a big wet stinky hug (I'm telling you the volunteers are what make this race) and was on my way again. I wasn't able to run very much at all from that point until the next aid station. Things were very slippery and it was just a matter of trying not to slip and fall.

As I was going up a hill and trying not to fall I heard some loud noises behind me. I turned around and stopped to see that it was my friend Brent and Jeremy! I was so happy to see them! We "ran" together for a little bit. Finally, got to the final aid station and a gentleman handed me a nice hot cup of coffee!! That was so wonderful! I had told them I didn't want anything because nothing sounded good, but boy when I took my first sip of that it was like I was totally re energized! I ate a couple squares of grilled cheese, finished my coffee and thanked everyone and was on my way! I was so happy to know I was almost done with a little over two miles to go. I looked back to see if Brent and Jeremy were behind me, but they weren't. I kept going and wondering when they were going to catch back up! I had heard Jeremy absolutely loved the aid stations and spent as much time there as possible before I assume got kicked out. :) I was almost to the finish line and still no signs of Brent or Jeremy. I was secretly sad because I wanted to cross the finish line with them. Brent has always been a number one inspiration to me. I came around the last bend as I see the finish line and happened to see Mike and Westin walking towards me. They gave me the biggest smiles and that gave me a boost to push hard to that sweet finish line!

As I was crossing over the blue mats, I slipped in between them and almost bit the dust! I couldn't believe it! I was able to stay upright the entire last loop and was going to face plant at the finish line. Somehow I managed to save myself and not bite the dust. I was in shock. I couldn't stop laughing! Kierra and Scarlet came running up with their big smiles and an even bigger hugs. The sweetest and coolest lady put the medal over my neck and gave me a big hug. The incredible race director shook my hand and congratulated me on doing such a good job. As I was walking up to my family and friends I looked to my left and saw Brent and Jeremy! I couldn't believe it!!!! I was so excited they got to see my finish! I gave them a hug and they went on their way to finish their race. I loved hugging everyone and realizing I was actually done. I thought "wow I feel good I'll just go run  another loop," so I told Heather I was going to go again and acted like I was running off, but I didn't. :)  I crossed at 12 hours 18 minutes and was so happy! My goal was to finish under 15 hours. I had so many different emotions during this time. I couldn't believe what I just accomplished, I felt great, I was in awe of everyone's support and love and anxious to see Tyler and our friends finish their race. Soon after Tyler and Brandon finished and then Jennell and Tara. It was the greatest feeling seeing them cross the finish line and completing their race!

In closing, this experience has been over the top! Only because of everyone who was involved from the top to the bottom and everyone in between. I'm telling you I was completely spoiled this whole entire race. I managed to get some pictures the first and second loop but not after the second because everything was wet and I couldn't get my phone to work. I'm very sad it has already come and gone, but the journey has been so phenomenal. I keep thinking about all my friends who ran and did so well. I'm just so proud of each and everyone of them, the friends I met during the run, and all of the runners I didn't get to meet. Everyone was out there giving it their all!

I want to give a special shout out to my husband who finished and finished well! I know he could have stayed out there and ran another 50 miles. I'm so proud of him.  I thought about him so much and texted him when I could during the race and I knew he was thinking about me too!!! I couldn't WAIT to see him cross that finish line. I'll never forget the biggest smile on his face and it was awesome to see the girls run out and run across the finish line with him! Makes me heart so happy! Can't wait to see what the future holds for you babe. I loved every second of training with you, the good and the bad times! Thanks for always encouraging me and being there for me.

A special shout out to my incredible in laws who this would not have been possible without.  They gifted us our tickets, took days off work to get to Chain o' Lakes early, cooked for us and our friends, took care of the girls all day while we were out running and made sure they were at the finish line each loop. That was a huge job in itself.  I tear up thinking about everything they did for us! Thank you for the prayers, they kept us going! I love you guys more than you'll ever know and am so thankful for you!

To my soul sister and her family...words can't even describe what all they do for us. They are our number one supporters and fans. Heather has been there with me every step of the way with my running journey. She was there at my first 5k back in 2014, there for my first mini, my first marathon and my first ultra. I couldn't do this without her. If she weren't there I would feel like I had a leg missing. She lifts me up! I love you, mike and the kiddos. Seeing Mike and Westin when I came around that corner to head to the finish line was seriously the BEST! I'll never forget seeing them their with their big twinning smiles. my goodness melt my heart!

Jenn needs her own special shout out because like I mentioned earlier she took care of my disgusting feet and I appreciate that more than she will ever know. Because, honestly, I didn't even want to touch my feet and the fact that she stepped in and did that...that's something I'll always remember.  I love you Jenn and your amazing super human husband who I'm incredibly proud of!

A special shout out to my running friends who let me train with them countless hours and all hours of the night. Jennell, Marci, Tara, Brent, Larry, and even Kristy. :) Thank you all for your support and love and encouragement along the way. You all rock and are the BEST! Also, thank you to our families who would keep the girls for us during these training runs. We really couldn't do this without you guys!

I just have to talk about how incredible all of the volunteers were at the aid station. I mean wow! I'm still in awe of each and everyone of them. They took care of me 100%. They gave me food and drinks when I didn't know what the heck I wanted or nothing sounded good. They gave out the best smiles, hugs, and encouraging words and for that I'm forever thankful! I hope I can somehow return the favor to them one day. How about the amazing race director. Thanks for all you do. Thank you for organizing such a top notch event. I am so happy to be apart of this beautiful family now. It's an honor and I look forward to being with you all again at the IT100 next year. As well as other  races and training runs in between! I'm officially in love with this running community.

Some random perks for me on the trail that I don't want to forget:
Seeing the famous Dick Canterbury running. Wow. He's a running legend to me and super adorable and sweet.
Saw a swan in the lake in the early morning hours.
Saw a heart shape out of mud, in the mud. Couldn't snap a picture because my hands were too wet and phone wouldn't work.
Two birds followed in front of me when I was alone on the trial during the beginning of the third loop.
Running along side incredible runners of all ages and abilities is always my favorite.
Encouraging others on the trial and being encouraged by others. Every runner was so sweet and friendly.
Just how beautiful and rewarding it is to be out in nature!

In closing, it brings my heart great joy to be able to share my experience with you.  Although I still at times can't believe I ran for 12 hours and 18 minutes, I will forever have these memories engraved in my mind. This goes to prove that absolutely no matter what it is, you should never give up on something you want. I could have easily thrown in the towel when I was faced with heart breaking obstacles that came my way, but I made up my mind and was determined to finish the goal that I set for myself. Keep on keepin' on and all will be well! Thanks everyone for taking the time to read about my experience. I love each and every one of you!

Until next time,

 An ultra running momma!

Aug 24, 2016

Luke: a gangster of LOVE

Fly high Lukey Duke
 I can't believe my brother is gone. I can't believe I got that gut wrenching phone call that no one ever wants to get. I can't believe how many unanswered questions there are. I can't believe I will never see him again. I can't believe I don't have to worry about him everyday. I can't believe how much I miss him. I can't believe how this all happened. There are so many thing I can't believe. I can't believe he never got the real help he needed. I can't believe the system let him down. I can't believe the system allowed this to happen to him. I can't believe he didn't stay on track. I can't believe we were able to have one last Christmas together. I can't believe what a beautiful soul he had. I can't believe how he touched so many lives. I can't believe all the hurt and pain he went through. I can't believe he never had it easy. I can't believe in his death he was able to give others a second chance. I can't believe he didn't have any children. I can't believe how many people truly loved him and cared for him. I can't believe how many people saw that special light within him. I can't believe how much this hurts. 

Why? Why did this have to happen? I used to lie awake trying to put all the pieces together, but nothing made sense. I decided to put my mind at ease and realize that God will give me the answers that I need. Maybe not the ones I want, but definitely the ones I need. I love you, Luke. I always worried about you my whole life. Now I don't have to worry about where you are and what you're doing. But I question why all of this had to happen. I have always said everything happens for a reason. I do believe that. I know there's a reason and purpose. You knew we would give your organs to save other lives, you knew we would fight for justice for you, because you would never be allowed the chance.  We will never ever give up. Changes will be made. We pray for our enemies for they shall not be formed against us.  We trust in Gods plan for all of us. We trust in the plan He had for your life. Life here on earth is so incredibly short.  Let us live life to the fullest every single day and remember your kind and tender smile and try to always, always live life to the happiest as you did. 

I love you brother. I love you more than you could possibly ever know. I always looked up to you. You sometimes would put me in terrible situations, but you always protected me at the same time. You would never let any harm come to me. You were an angel here on earth and now you are an angel with mom flying high watching and protecting your people. Your body is gone, but you are never forgotten. It helps to know your organs are in other people allowing them a second chance at life. I miss you sweet sweet brother. I miss our conversations about life. I miss how you always talked about God and were so full of his love. I miss hearing your voice. I miss seeing your contagious smile. I miss your big bear hug. I miss your kiss on my cheek. I miss your laugh. I miss us messing around being stupid and laughing together. I miss seeing how much you would eat and enjoy every bite. I miss drinking coffee with you. I miss seeing you help others out in need. I miss you being here and putting others first.   I won't miss the drugs that you never got away from. I pray that through all of this your friends and family will realize that these drugs aren't worth it.  I pray that through this others won't be manipulated like you were by the system. I can't pray I wish you were here, because I can't help but wonder what would have happened to the ones you love. You lost your life, so that others could lives theirs. You were such a gangster of love! You are a true HERO, you forever have a heart of GOLD!

He was trying to get me into shape!

CHRISTMAS 2015! Last Christmas together

Lukes handmade jewelry.

Luke's Sunshine

I wrote this a couple of weeks after Luke passed away. I typed what was on my mind. It may not make sense, but it was what I needed at the time to get out. Luke is incredibly missed every single day by so many people. There isn't a day that goes by where I don't think about him. To this day, at times, it still seems like such a bad dream. I feel like I will wake up and he will be here with us again. However, reality sits in and boom, he's gone. Gone but never forgotten. He is with us. He lives on I know that 100%. Thankful we know that all of his donor recipients are doing great with their transplants. That is a miracle! I know Luke is flying high and watching down over us. Life is short. So, so short. We need to enjoy every day to the fullest and live like there's no tomorrow. Take risks, go on adventures, show Gods love.  Laugh more, hug longer, give sweet kisses, and show lots and lots of love. Thank you God for the sweet gift of Luke you gave us all, and to others who we may never meet.  He is forever cherished. 


Until next time, 

A sister who misses her brother immenseley.

Sep 27, 2015

Mill Race MaRaThOn!

I'm still in awe of the fact that I have officially completed a marathon. I woke up and realized that I did in fact run 26.2 miles yesterday. September 26, 2015 is a day I will never forget. Mill Race Marathon was a beautiful course. All of the volunteers were incredible. There were some sporadic spectators to cheer us on along the way. We had a very special friend with us from the very beginning of the morning to the end of the night. Running with 258 Marathoners is so inspiring.  There were definitely some ups and downs on this course. Overall, it was very a very enjoyable and super fun run!
 So, first of all, you're probably wondering how we came across this spectacular race. During the expo at the 500 festival Mini Marathon, Tyler happened to stop at the Mill Race Marathon booth and after talking to a gentleman he told me we should sign up.  I was like "oh you're funny".  But, he was serious, so I signed us up the very next day. We searched online for a 20 week training program and found one that would work for us and our schedules. Ty's schedule was different than mine. He would run Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and long runs on Saturdays. I found I ran best running 3 times a week so my schedule was to run on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays for my long runs. This worked out great for both of us.  Overall, I would say our training plan went well. We had planned on doing a few fun races on some of our Saturdays, but were only able to do the Warrior Dash (which was a muddy blast)! The only thing we would have done differently was figure out a better fueling plan during our runs. That is something we know we need to work on and get figured out. So that's how this race came about! Now to talk all about race day!
My training program
My lovely alarm went off at 3:30am. I got up and took a shower. While I was getting ready Tyler toasted us some Pumpkin Spice bagels (you need some of them in your life ASAP). We ate breakfast and headed out the door. We had to be at The Commons at 5:30a for early morning packet pick-up. We got our packets and secured our bibs on. By this time it was around 6:30a and our dear friend Heather had arrived! It was great to see her there so early and to hang out with us before it was time to head outside and get in line. We had a few bathroom breaks (nerves had kicked in) and then looked over the course map. At this point it was time to head outside and get in our specific coral spots.

The Commons
Biggest supporter and #1 fan!
Everyone was getting so excited to start and the energy was great. I was so incredibly nervous and anxious to get going! I just wanted to take off running already! Standing and waiting for your turn to go is difficult. Tyler's Uncle was running the half and he happened to walk right by us so we got to talk to him for a minute. Talk about luck, it was great to see him and definitely helped calm my nerves. A few moments later the horn sounded and off we went! My nerves were instantly gone and I felt fantastic.
Uncle P.D!
Saying our goodbye's and good lucks!
Taking off! Starting our GPS!

I was happy to know that in a little over 4 miles we would see Heather as we had planned out. 4 miles flew by and we spotted her right away! So amazing to see her out on the course!!! I was able to give her a quick hug and get back on course. At mile 6 we stopped to eat a quick snack. Mile 8 we decided to stop at an energy table and grab a Gu. Not sure why we did this as it was something we hadn't done in our training. It was disgusting and we threw it out. Miles 8, 9, & 10 were great! Mile 11 Tyler said "there's Heather" and it totally took me by surprise. I did not expect to see her anymore after mile 4 until the finish line. That was so cool! I was able to run over and give her another squeeze and then continue! Around 11.5 Ty asked if we could stop.  We weren't supposed to stop for another snack until mile 12.
Mile 4
Mile 11
He said his feet were hurting pretty bad. We ate a quick snack and took off again. Mile 12 was great. Mile 13 we walked a little bit. Mile 14 and 15 were pretty good! Mile 16 Tyler was starting to struggle some more. We stopped for our first bathroom break on the course and ate a banana. I haven't seen Tyler eat a banana since I've known him. I took a picture because he said this would be the last banana I would see him eat! We stretched our legs and took off. This stop was quite the break, approximately 8 minutes long. Miles 17 and 18 we had slowed down about a minute per mile. Mile 19 and 20 Tyler kept telling me to go ahead on my own. During these miles I had ran ahead thinking he was right behind me, but when I turned around he was no where to be found. I would stop and wait a couple of minutes to see him. When I saw him in the distance I would continue running thinking he would catch up. At one point I stopped and called him to see where he was.  Finally, at the end of mile 20 I stopped and waited for him. I tried to encourage him to keep running at our normal pace, but he said no and told me again to go ahead. I talked to a volunteer because she knew I was distraught about leaving him behind, but she also encouraged me to go and that there would be plenty of supporters behind me to support him and keep him going. She also probably knew that he needed to get through this himself.  At that point, I was in tears about it, but decided to go on without him. That was definitely the hardest part about this race for me.

Gagging while trying to get his banana down!
Mile 21 was great. Mile 22 I was regretting my decision about leaving him so I stopped to look back, but I couldn't see him. So after that, every volunteer I came across I told them to tell my husband, Tyler #24 some encouraging words from me (I was shocked to hear later that they really did relay my messages to him-so awesome!) I debated again on whether to keep going or wait. I decided to keep going. The struggle was real! After that, it was difficult mentally for me to continue. Finally at mile 26 I put my head back in the game and took off gazelle intense. Volunteers, spectators, and runners kept yelling and commenting how strong and fast I was going. I was giving this last 1.2 my all and finished very strong!
Seeing that finish line was indescribable! ~*5.12.11*~
 I was so proud of myself for pushing through and finishing like I knew I could. A lady put the medal around my neck, another lady handed me a water, and then a man cut the tracker tag off my shoe. After that I immediately found Heather. I was already so emotional by the time I got to the finish line so when I saw her we hugged and cried for I don't know how long. That was a special moment I'll never forget. We started watching for Tyler and he hadn't come in after about 10 minutes. I was already worried about him and becoming even more and more worried. I walked over to a tent and had them pull up his number to see where he was. All they could tell me was that he had crossed over mile 20 about an hour ago and he should arrive any minute. The activity tracker was down so we couldn't tell where he was exactly on the course. A few more minutes went by and still no Tyler. I was starting to panic just when Heather said she thought she saw him. SHEW what a sigh of relief!
Overflow of emotions!
I did it! I am a Marathon Finisher!
He was running and finishing strong. I ran out to cross the finish line with him. At this point, he was kind of out of it and I thought he was going to faint even before they put the medal around his neck. He wasn't talking and just went straight to the sidewalk and took off his shoes and lie down on the sidewalk. He didn't want anything, but Heather said we needed to get him some chocolate milk. She took off to find some. He didn't want to be bothered so I walked a couple of blocks to The Commons to get my bag out of gear check. I ended up meeting Heather there. She got in line at Subway to get the chocolate milk and by this time Tyler had texted me and said he was in the bathroom changing his clothes and then he would meet us in The Commons. I was happy to hear that.
He did it! So proud of this guy! One of my favorite pictures!
They call this relaxing! Haha...
We sat there with some other finishers for about 30 minutes. I finally took my shoes off. I could feel I had a blister on my right foot. I slowly took my sock off and saw that my suspicions were right. Heather immediately left to go get a medic. I wanted them to come and pop it for me. They arrived and the medics said they weren't going to pop it and that it needed to stay like it was. They handed me a couple of band-aids and left. I was disappointed! I texted my friend Jennell a picture and said "I need you" because she is a master at popping blisters. She called me later and said to take an alcohol swab and a safety pin from my bib and to pop that thing! I couldn't stomach it, so left it alone! It's still big and sore today. That's my only battle wound from the race so for that I'm thankful! I saw some other people who had big bandages wrapped around their toes and I can't even imagine what they were feeling. I managed to get up off the floor with some help and head to the bathroom to get changed. Heather tried to dry my soaking wet hat with the dryer and it literally stunk up the bathroom so bad that she had to stick paper towels in her nostrils and open the door to try and air out the smell! It was horrible!
Scared to look at my blister.
 After an hour we headed to a restaurant to eat outside and listen to the live band they had playing for the after party. It was around 2:30 at this time and we were waiting around for the truck giveaway at 4. We ordered some delicious fried pickles, cheeseburgers, and fries. The food was so so good. I was getting ready to order dessert when I looked across the street and saw "ice cream parlor" on the door. I was so excited because during my run I kept thinking how good ice cream would be after I was done running! Perfect! I couldn't wait to get over there later and get some! We finished eating and then walked a couple of blocks and looked at some booths and shops and then headed back for the truck drawing. We didn't win the truck, but was so happy for the lady who did! Finally, we headed into the parlor to enjoy us some ice cream.

Changed and ready to enjoy the after party and get some food in our bellies!
Fun with the super hero's!
Waiting for our cheeseburgers! We were starving! 
Thank you best ice cream ever!
Beautiful decor!
 I had to save the best for last!  My very favorite part during the race is talking to other participants. I absolutely love hearing their stories. How far they've come, why they started running, how they're doing, how many races they've done.  I would get goosebumps and become emotional after talking to each person. The encouragement I got from hearing their stories is phenomenal. Another favorite part is hearing all the volunteers comment to us. We heard a lot of "wow what a great pace, looking strong, what a great smile, keep up the amazing work, you've just ran a half marathon and look amazing, this is a great pace (from other runners), you look like you're having fun, keep up the good work, it's all downhill from here, you're so close, you've got this,  etc." These people genuinely cared for us and wanted us to do good! That helps so much along the way! I appreciate each and every one of them! I love being able to encourage others a long the way too.  I would watch certain people struggle and then pick themselves back up and keep going even through their pain. I would tell them to keep going and keep up the good work. All of these people are so wonderful and inspiring to me! Seriously, you can do anything you put your mind to.

That sums it up you guys!! For our first Marathon I feel like it went extremely well! I just wanted to have fun and enjoy it like a few of my marathon finisher friends had told me do to.  That's exactly what I did minus some worrying near the end.  Overall, fantastic course and run and I'm so happy Tyler and I have our first Marathon experience together. We accomplished running 26.2 miles and it feels amazing!  I'm excited to see what our future runs have in store for us! Thank you to all of our friends and family who prayed for us, thought about us, sent sweet texts, calls, or social media encouragement. We really appreciate everyone's love and support! Thank you Heather for being our number one supporter and our biggest fan! Also, for taking time out or your family schedule to be with us. You are amazing and we love you!

Feel free to leave any comments about your racing experience/accomplishments or future racing events! I'd love to hear about them. Xoxo

Until next time,

A Marathon Finisher Running Momma